Just .....
..... Playing around!!
Sad its just my phone I was using as the blip is quite small. Tho' I'm pleased with the definition.
It's been a beautiful day , temperature in double figure's , not seen that for some time.
I did a bit of tidying in the garden and potted up an African Violet ( the leaf I've had in water, only the end of it, which had roots on and developing small cluster of leaves) too early to put the miniature Sweet Peas in ( these were a birthday present) so that's for another day.
Then I made Shortbread and Jam Tarts. My intention was to stroll round the block ( on the pointless " exercise") ! I really like to have a project at the end , unless I'm in the countryside or a park etc , just looking at houses does absolutely nothing for me, it just becomes a chore. And my back was really painful after standing for 2 hours I was best to stay put.
However do hope you have all enjoyed this lovely weather , stay safe everyone.
Thoughtful ..... of the coming of spring, due to this wonderful day.
P.S. why oh why can't I cultivate the baby Orchids ???
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