Heart Of (Broken) Glass, Aylesford

The title, of course, refers to the song by Blondie but also, I suppose, to how our emotions are feeling at the moment.
I remember as a teenager hearing that wonderfully confident strut of their music for the first time and yesterday I had their music on really loud while I worked in my studio. It is still as thrilling to listen to now, even though I know all the lyrics (which of course I sing along to!) and Debbie Harry's exhilarating vocals.
Was only in three days this week but as of next week I'll be in for the "foreseeable future and beyond" as my boss so delightfully put it. Unfortunately, my back is making quite a protest due to the physical nature of my job. There's a lot of lifting, twisting, pulling and pushing and I'm still only a third of a way through shooting a big single owner sale. Luckily, I've got the weekend to recover but five whole days of more of the same is going to be a bit of a struggle.
Today really felt spring like fore the first time and, combined with lighter mornings and a later dusk, I am starting to see a bit more daylight than over the past few months which can only be a good thing.

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