Windmill 'De Hoop', Veen

'Hoop in Veen' sounds EXACTLY like 'hope in vain'... *belly laugh*
'Hoop' does mean 'hope' but can also mean 'heap'.
Veen is a tiny village along the same dike I drove on yesterday.

This windmill is standing on the village-side of the dike, so even though it was facing away from the road, I could wander down the dike, which is about 8 or 9 meters high, and shoot it properly.  There's an extra showing the entrance to the little bakery, which was open.  A cozy spot!  The windmill was turning today, and I made a short video again.  Best thing was the fact that there was space on the dike itself to park the car.

Yesterday's windmill was at a standstill.  As I drove towards Veen, I tried to see how I could have done yesterday's shot better, and there was not much room for improvement as I would have ended up slicing off more than half of a shot if I really wanted only the windmill on it.

Housekeeping at home, and then more research.  Aside from the backyard, AW spent his time watching TV.  Marie was not available for a game.  As for my research, what can make it tedious is the verification bit -- you just need to make sure that the Jan van Dijk whose date of birth you have is the same Jan van Dyke who got married somewhere else and the same Johannes van Dijk who passed away much later in the century.

Blipper EvelyneNC shared a short film in her comment on yesterday's windmill.  I'll share it with you here. 
It is about how the sea, and the old way of life, 'disappears' as more and more dikes and the new storm surge barriers enclose some inland bodies of water and pump the water out, after which land is reclaimed to build new habitable areas and create more modern communities.  You'll see a lot of native costumes!

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