We had a great service at Zoom Church this morning - led by Frank and Rachel - when we thought about Hope and Biblical optimism based on the promises of God.  We were reminded that there are 8,810 promises from God in the Bible about hope - and that we, as Christians, need to ensure that every area of our life “glistens with hope”, otherwise we are living a lie.  What a lovely thought - to glisten with hope - and something I need to make sure I do every day.

After Church, although it didn’t look that sunny, we decided to go out for a walk.  As we hadn’t been out for a few days, we thought we would do the shorter walk today, and as we crossed the road into Dayhouse Lane, we saw that the gate to the Richard Jefferies Museum was open, although there didn’t appear to be anyone around.  I decided to have a wander around - but Mr. HCB stood outside the gate - he’s not quite as brazen as I am!

There are several old sheds with odd bits of machinery and trailers that are obviously quite old and no longer used but the rusting mangle caught my eye.  However, I don’t think it will be mangling anything because it was in quite a sorry state so I thought it would do well for Derelict Sunday.  

Walking on around by the pig sty, I saw two rusty tin trunks, and again up against the wall but again, don’t think they will be used anytime soon because they, too, were looking quite shabby and weathered, but I guess some might say they have character.

We then wandered through the housing estate at Badbury Park and as we were about to cross the road near the busy dual carriageway, we saw a man waving to us and shouting.  There was quite a lot of traffic, so we crossed onto the central reservation and he introduced himself as Mike, the man we had met a few weeks ago with his wife, Tracy. We said we didn’t recognise him because he was kitted out in running gear, but as soon as we started chatting, we realised who he was.  

We had a great chat with him and I mentioned that he could take a shot of us and make that his Blip today, but he said he didn’t have his phone with him, because he didn’t want it bouncing around in his pocket.  He also apologised for not keeping up with the Blipping, but he is still working every day and  doesn’t have much spare time.  I didn’t want to make him feel bad, so said that I would take a selfie of us all and would put that into MY Blip - remembering of course, that this was Derelict Sunday, which made him laugh.  We took our leave of one another, with Mike promising to look for something to Blip!  

“May the God of hope 
     fill you with all joy and peace 
          as you trust in him, 
               so that you may overflow with hope 
                    by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13 NIV

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