A Sunday walk

I had a bad nights sleep, full of weird dreams. Eventually woke late and didn't rush to get up. Then once I was up, I rang mum on her mobile to see how she was. Thankfully she is starting to feel better than she was, and it would appear the most likely cause of her illness was food poisoning. It clearly had very nasty effect on her body, but fingers crossed she is on the mend. She hopes to be allowed home Tuesday.

At 10ish our new cooker arrived! Joy!! I have been umming and ahhring over this purchase for about a year. Having just cooked a roast pork dinner, I can safely say it gets a big thumbs up. Hopefully was worth the many £s it cost.

After lunch, Mollie Jon and I went for a long circular walk out of the village, and across country to Bressingham and back. So many nice bits of land and unusual properties dotted about, and we saw so much more on foot than if we had been driving it. The middle picture shows how the snow has now cleared from the end of our road where last week it was completely impassable. It was warm too today, 13degrees and we ended up carrying our coats!

Been doing a little sewing, finishing my red bunting. I have 5 lengths of bunting made from recycling/upcycling old fabric, which I am ready to sell. Hoping that this week Mollie and I will sort out a 'hut STUFF' page on Facebook to advertise and sell from. Slow progress, but that's what happens when we are both doing another job too.

Some tv now, then bed.

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