
By SarioMcK

Bedside light

I haven’t posted for a few days and have been busy over the weekend in the garden and doing jobs around the house and just realised I didn’t have a photo for a blip! Argh! So here is a close up of my bedside light as I try to get to bed for a reasonably early night.

Last week was a tough week at work. I was really glad to end the week with a zoom and a glass of wine with some old school friends. They always cheer me up! We had our usual Friday night home made pizza and a trip down memory lane with TOTP2.

I made good progress in the garden this weekend although the weather wasn’t as fine as the forecast. We had a garden designer come over on Friday to measure up and get some ideas for remodelling our patio and my “sitouterie” area. It’s a job we’ve been wanting to do for ages. Fingers crossed he will take on the job, although work can’t start for a good few months. I think everyone is doing up their gardens. Anyway, something to look forward to.

I’m not really looking forward to the week ahead at work but I’m sure after a good sleep I’ll be ready.

Stay safe x

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