The First Signs of Spring

Lockdown 3 - Day 48

After a 30 minute workout on the cross trainer I made Eggs Benedict for brunch and then we took the boys for a walk.  By the time we got back, the sun was out and it felt really warm in the garden so I sat out and had a glass of wine in the sun, spring's definitely on the way!

Alan came to join me outside and once it got a little cooler we moved into the Palace, then Alan saw someone walking past and started talking to them, it turned out be the buyers of our house.  I went out to say hello and we had a chat, they said they were going for a walk to see what's around. They're a really nice couple and seemed very excited about the house.  They commented how quiet it was and the fact that they could hear the birds - I hope it all goes through smoothly and they'll be very happy here.

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