Today we used the wonderful (much too) warm weather for a picnic at the ONE TREE. We drove to the other side of the hill to make it possible for Omo to accompany us. This path is almost without steep slopes and less painful for him.
We made a foto for Rosi's birthday tomorrow (Rosi is Teba's usual bus driver, but she is ill now. There is a "Happy Birthday at the other side of the balloon ;-D )
I thought it would be fun to make a blip related selfie with Teba, Omo and the balloon. Haha.
I always struggle with selfies (I never get the angel right), Teba struggled to hold the balloon (wind and "restless hands") and to smile at the same time, Omo struggled to lay down near Teba (It's way to dangerous in his opinion) and to look at the mobile (No sweets involved)
A long story short: This is the best I got, but the message should be clear: Blip is fun! :-D
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