Hitting the Wall

It's a lovely day with no rain in the forecast for the week. I took the covers off the furniture on the porch but just stashed them behind the loveseat. As soon as I take them downstairs to the garage it will rain again....

Spike and I played ball up in the field. Although he can't see very well, he has a definite method that involves running in circles until he catches the scent. There are more lost balls in the house (probably under the furniture) than there are outside. It's more fun watching him run around in circles than doing it myself....

Dana came over and planted the plant we purchased yesterday in the big blue pot. It's in the extra shot which I took from the deck outside our bedroom door. 

John planted a hundred daffodil bulbs in January. They are just beginning to bloom. They seem much happier without the huge rosemary hedges which we had taken out. And we discovered a blooming hellebore plant we didn't even know was there....

I made a Clementine Cake and some chicken with rice from Jotam Ottolenghi's Jerusalem cookbook. I must confess that I am sick of cooking. I'm over making bread. I'm tired of all the old standby comfort foods, but don't really have the energy to try anything new....

I think I have hit the 'pandemic wall'. I am grateful, of course that I have a home, a good family  and enough food and things to do that interest me. What more could anyone want? But knowing that to be true doesn't make it easier to keep going when there are too many questions, not enough answers, too much uncertainty, worry, frustration.  When you  hit the wall in a marathon, you know that you just have to keep yourself going somehow until you reach the 26 mile goal.  Then you can collapse. 

When are you allowed to collapse when you hit the pandemic wall?

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