
On This Day In History
1980: U.S. hockey team beats the Soviets in the "Miracle On Ice."

Quote Of The Day
"Alzheimer's is a walk in the park. Except with Alzheimer's, my walk keeps changing. The trees get up and walk over there, the benches go missing and the paths seem to be unwinding into particularly vicious serpents."
(Sir Terry Pratchett)

Last week, one Chromebook per day would run out of power. Because I plugged random power cables into the Chromebooks after school each day, I had no idea which power cable was faulty. So I numbered the cables to match the numbers of the Chromebooks. One positive upshot of this was that I was immediately able to identify the faulty cable. The plug from Chromebook number 16 had fallen out of the power strip; you can perhaps see that at the back of the cupboard, top right. Another positive upshot? The cables no longer get tangled as they did when I used to plug them in at random.

I Dream Of Wires 

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