LA9 to CA95010 and back..

By LA9toCA95010

This is a photo I took by mistake, as I took my phone out. The only other photos I have are a few grainy shots of surfers, mostly in ungainly poses. I thought I'd put them in a montage (I'd have to learn how to do that...) and use it as the "before" sample, to be compared and contrasted with the "after" sample at some point in the future, when I have become more accomplished.

But this sort of represents how yesterday and today have been.

Two police officers were shot dead in Santa Cruz. The SCPD haven't lost anyone on active duty like that before, so people are shocked. It's set off lots of online rants about homeless people and drug addicts and gun control. But on a simple human level, there are people who have lost their mother, father, son, daughter, partner, friend. It's terribly sad.

And here I am just standing on the beach, watching people be alive. That's enough for now.

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