
By SpotsOfTime

It was a busy day off with so many disparate parts a collage was the only way to go.
I headed up to Carlisle for my jab and completely bizarrely and randomly I had no sooner turned right onto the hospital grounds and Nimrod started playing on the radio. It wasn’t very well organised so I had quite a wait and got talking to the woman next to me. Both she and her daughter were pretty poorly with covid and her husband was hospitalised for over week but okay, yet she said her son continues to believe it’s a conspiracy and that we’re all being microchipped and she feels understandably very exasperated. Anthea who jabbed me was very lovely and full of gratitude and praise for our service who had helped her son which was very heartwarming to hear. She he asked me which arm I sleep on ... oh, how I laughed (she says as a postscript 3 hours now after trying to get to sleep). I had coffee in a flask so afterwards, missing the sea, I went to drink my coffee looking out over the Solway. You can just make out Burnswark hill fort in the very far distance. I heard and then saw a few geese so was happy. Then I headed back for a house viewing and then a walk out onto Barton to see my new favourite spot up there. Then home for tea.

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