
By LifeLines


I’ve spent the last week taking part in an exercise to incorporate five wellbeing practices into my daily routine. It’s been instigated via an online course filled with inspiring talks, reading materials and conversations. I have learned so much and am already feeling the benefit.

The weekend passed quickly and despite the rain on Saturday, we had a day of sunshine and mild temperatures on Sunday so I spend several hours at the allotment finishing off bed preparations on areas I’ve newly dug or want to mulch this year (in some of my plot I use no-dig method). So good to be there for several hours enjoying and benefiting from the early signs of spring.

Today work has been too busy (for me) but I got through it and am now relaxing. Had a chat to Dad tonight who has had a few new health issues to contend with including osteoarthritis in addition to rheumatoid arthritis. We are going to catch up again tomorrow.

Take care and all the best.

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