The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Crystal Clear Memories

Quite possibly the biggest/longest EB in history. It's 5 in the morning, I'm awake - my mind all tangled and busy and trying to solve the problems of the world. Went online and noticed that four years ago I posted this commentary referencing Blip on my "View from the Pepper Patch" page on Facebook. Four more years have passed since then - topsy turvy political/pandemic years - and there are still days I wish I was as good at taking my own advice as giving it. I wrote:

"Fair warning. Though I know a pic is worth a thousand words, I feel a ramble coming on.

Last night, looking through photographs I archived four years ago (back around the time I started taking pictures every day as a kind of diary), I was struck by how much has happened in my world in a very short period of time. It seems that the older I get the more life appears to be a series of "Thank God" and "Oh Damn" moments strung together with bits and pieces of "Everyday". The highs and lows are easy to remember. The smaller moments are much more likely to be set aside and forgotten but, in the ultimate scheme of things, are more important to keep in mind if I'm going to keep things in perspective in this crazy world. Things like family and friends and pinochle and ukuleles and doing my best to be a decent person and make a difference.

My photo-journaling helps me remember and to care. The Pepper Patch helps me share a moment or two with you. Thank you for listening.

Ahhh but I ramble (you were warned). I'll leave you with a bit of a song:

"So stand to your glass my friend we'll spend our time in song,
The wind won't seem so bitter and the night won't seem so long,
It's like a bit of heaven when voices fill a room,
Singing three part harmony and howling at the moon."

... and the adventure continues.

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