Galloping Gormlessness - OR

- Crass stupidity?
Theirs, OR mine?
Wooden Chew think - that, if you bought a plant, in a garden centre, then checked online and found the supplier was in fact a grower/breeder of said plants, that it'd be properly potted in an appropriate pot?
NOT   SO!!! 

I thought I'd "Bought a Pup" at least, if not a "piginapoke" as it slowly deteriorated, despite regular watering.
Last night I decided, in an attempt to save it, to repot.  I then discovered that all the watering was in vain; as evinced by the upended Pot in which it was bought.  Which kind of explains why it was getting less and less viable looking?
During said close look-at during potting I spotted what appears to be a Pup just possibly visible in the thumbnail; or enbiggerified.

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