
By Missycat

Day 337 A visit from Thames Water

A few weeks ago, we had a visit from Thames Water to say that they had detected a leak from our mains water pipe and that of course was making a our water bills higher.  They arranged to come and fix it today and assured us that they would only need to make a hole in the pavement and the side passage.  Five holes later it was clear that this wasn't true!  A number of them involved dragging up some of the pieces of our yorkstone crazy paving which we had laid almost a year ago!  They promise to repair the drive but can't guarantee matching.  We will ask them just to lay the pavers on concrete and then we'll get our original landscapers in to re grout them as it's quite a specialist job.

As if that weren't enough excitement for one day, BJ today laid out the roadmap(new buzzword!) which will get us out of lockdown and eventually all restrictions...maybe.
In England all children will return to school on 8 March and the intention is to test all secondary age children twice a week at home  after testing them 3 times at school.  Good luck with that one.  
From 29 March outdoor gatherings of either 6 people or 2 households allowed outdoors.
Shops, hairdressers, gyms and outdoor hospitality should reopen 12 April. 
From 17 May 2 households might be allowed to mix indoors and the rule of 6 return to pubs etc.
All restrictions to be lifted by 21 June.  There was no mention of travelling abroad: this will be reviewed by 12 April.
The above is all dependant on our being good and all figures going in the right direction.  Hey ho.

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