
By atoll

The Wall

A requested prescription for some more performance enhancing drugs were the order of the day today (again) as my mojo feels slightly jaded as work pressures continue to mount. MrsB was meeting J just for the day today, and so sent over this view of the Americancandy shop where she went in search of my legal highs.

My small but loyal band of subscribers may have noticed that since Christmas my blip has begun to fall behind, as I struggle with my work-life balance. Now, with my 365 fast-approaching I am feeling a bit like I imagine Italian marathon runner Dorando Pietri maybe felt, as he staggered into Wembley in the 1908 London Olympics. Though he was within sight of the finish, he was suffering from severe fatigue and dehydration. He famously made it to the tape alright (and in first place) but was then disqualified for being assisted by stewards after falling during his last lap.

I'm on my own last lap, and Monday is the first anniversary in my Blip marathon start. With only a few yards to go, I am certainly not in the lead, but I am totally happy to bring up the rear ambling alongside that chap in the full Rhino costume, but hopefully ahead of the man crawling along dressed as the snail.

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