Meat the positive
Apologies to the non-meat eating community, but this is the only photo I have taken all day.
In a day light on good stuff, this steak was the best thing that happened all day. It’s interesting reading the blips of others and speaking to colleagues as it does feel like there has been something of a collective slump in the last couple of days.
I’ve gone back to pen and paper journaling too and ensuring that the positive stuff is acknowledged. Not come this far to go under now!
Other good stuff included making some walking plans for the coming weekend and watching a decent film recommended by my parents; The Judge, which is worth a look. But then, most things with Robert Downey Jnr are...
Children back tomorrow and the intention is to make the most of the four remaining days of ‘Daddy’s School of Excellence’ that I have left with them!
Stay healthy.
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