
Another weir on the Water of Leith, by Saughton Gardens. 

This is a special one as it has a new micro- hydro-electric system adjacent  which, with two ground-source heat pumps, power the greenhouses containing the Winter Gardens, visitor facilities and lighting for the gardens and nearby park.  Power is generated by the water flowing through an Archimedes Screw/turbine system housed in a bespoke building, the outlet can be seen to the right of the photo.

Had I known that otters may be seen on the water I would have paid better attention but we satisfied ourselves with a circuit of the garden in many directions, noting such things as the topiary peacocks, Witch Hazels, Hellebores in various borders, and the Arum Lilies which I photographed through the glass as the Winter Garden is not open on account of the Coronavirus outbreak (see extra).

We forbore queueing for coffee (despite assurances from a U3A friend we bumped into that service was quick) as it was spitting with rain so we returned home for a cafetière of our own.

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