My days ...My life

By ElspethAnne

A garden full of snowdrops!

J started transplanting a few snowdrops from Rosebank when we moved to this house 18 years ago - just a few clumps in different places around the garden.
Over the years they have naturalised beautifully and now , whichever direction you look , there are expansive patches of flowers .
We had a really nice guy here today sorting the door of the hut and he saw me taking some photos- it was a surprise when he said he didn't know the flowers were called snowdrops . Maybe there are no snowdrops in Millport where he grew up ?
A good day - some house stuff sorted out , a walk , some shopping for vegetables . Tonight we watched two episodes of ' The good doctor ' - it's a drama about a young autistic surgeon. It's quite sad in many ways . I think its well done. - there are 4 series and 18 episodes in season 1 which feels a bit much!

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