Gitama's World

By Gitama

A Cloudy View

A lot has happened since last I posted.

We have celebrated my lovely Mums 90th Birthday on Monday evening (by the time we got home I could hardly keep my eyes open..too late to blip).......The next day was a family outing to Sea World with the family.

I got so many fabulous photos especially of the Polar Bears (my favorite) alas again by the time we got was dark and there was a lot of things to do before bed...besides that we were exhausted from one of the most terrifying car rides ever...I have to take my hat off to Jaiya who kept her cool even though she was scared out of her wits.
Sheet tropical rain just started up...flooding the road in a few minutes water spraying up from ours and every car going past...then the lightning cracked just meters away from the car...then it was happening all around. We were so happy to get home finally our faces were white. A bite to eat then it was under the covers for us all.

The clouds over the mountains have been interesting watch from our deck.
Never know when it is going to thump down next...the ground is like a wet sponge and the air is muggy and hot.......still.......rather this than the fires anyday.

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