I’ve been reading about benefits of ‘blue light glasses’ (evidence is mixed) as Hubs is getting eye strain from endless zoom meetings.
Mr frugal joked about using quality street wrappers and then there they were in the reduced section in Lidl . It had to be done and was well worth the £2.50 - I laughed so much it was therapy, and my belly hurt !
In other news : the enormous and difficult to get to filling was done this afternoon, think she used a pneumatic road drill, my whole head was rattling , anyway all done and I just have to wait and see if it’s ok . The last one became expensive and traumatic root canal work within 10 days of the filling so fingers crossed .
Started watching The White Farm on Netflix, which is set not far from where we lived in Essex. I remember the news of the 5 family members being murdered and the story unfolding , it was very shocking at the time and again now.
Just acknowledging the serious case of lockdown hair here ....time to get the horse clippers back from the stables and sort him out before he scares someone .

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