Church ......
...... Yard!
I popped into Waitrose for a couple of bits and my Radio Times, that's my addictive read for the week((s) . Then up to the Saunderstead pond & took a stroll in All Saints Church yard , just lovely to see daffodils on Mass, also the snowdrops , the first I've seen this year. The temperature is still in double figure's , unfortunately not as bright as yesterday but it's still dry.
Do hope you're all enjoying the day. Stay safe all.
Must add my fortune of no queue , no S/D problems continues, but so does the problem of folk not passing the time of day even when I've done so first. They look at me as if I've got 2 heads ! lol. What is the matter with people??
Thoughtful ..... of my northern family. 4 years ago! What a awful decision to have to make about your child. RIP Frankie . Much love & support to my daughter and the family
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