8°C - 21 mph WSW Wind Speed - 27 mph Gusts - Cloudy with Sunny Spells. Weeding - Clearing out the Pond - did some work on my Song Writing FutureLearn course - while listening to songs on YouTube got side-tracked into watching various interviews by Marlene Dietrich’s daughter on her mother’s life. In the 1970s I heard her sing - I forget which theatre it was - and was working as an evening telephonist in St James’s Hotel in London where she was staying, so I am sort of linked with her with that. One thing I remember her daughter saying in an interview was that her mother was a control freak, but that she couldn’t control ageing, and that was why she became a recluse in the last eight years of her life! Mmmmm! Haven’t reached that stage myself yet☺ Plenty of bird activity in the garden regardless of me - best is this Robin - a more amusing one of him is in the Extra!
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