Lockdown 3: Day 52

Traffic jam . . . lockdown style!

Taken on my morning walk to the shops. The driver of the black car would have been better taking the main road (first extra).

Once home I took advantage of the warmer weather to do some garden tidying. There’s still a lot to do and it’s a small garden.

Later I decided to drive to Grasmere for my daily exercise. I parked in the lay-by on the main road and did the biggest circuit i could manage without going off road (tarmac). The second extra (which I’m sure some of you will think should be the main photo) was taken from the roadside with Helm Crag reflected in a puddle. 

I wandered though the Wordsworth Daffodil Garden. There were some daffodils in flower . . . my garden ones aren't. Also snowdrops and crocuses, plus some yellow flowers which I only recognised because I’d seen them on blip … aconites. 

In other news, I've placed an online order for a grocery delivery and opened a rather expensive (more than I would pay) bottle of Austrian Red . . . my first wine since before Christmas. 

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