Another Hot Day.

Mia is like a Hobbit she has 'two breakfasts.'  One at home, and then another when she gets here!

So, after breakfast, we went for a walk.  She was looking for muddy, puddles.  But those that are left are really muddy, and I wont let her play in them.

Back home for a little while before going to dancing.

She has made a new friend, a lovely little girl, who shared her flowers with Mia.  They chatted and laughed a lot.

The little girl's name is B.  Not Bea or Bee, but B.  She'll have fun explaining that for the rest of her life.  I just hope she's got another name.

Back home for lunch.

Then out in the garden to play with water.  The garden is still saturated, so she just played on the patio,

Mia came with me to pick up Isabella from school.  They then stayed with me until Alexandra finished work.

They played quite happily with the play doh.  It was lovely to hear them chatting together about their day.

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