A calm day at last

Well what a week.

You must have wondered what has been going on.

Well we have managed to Exchange contracts on the sale of our flat this week and will be moving out of London next week.

Selling a property at the best of times can be a nightmare but during COVID it has just been something else. I have never been so stressed with a move before.

So we will be leaving a place we have lived in for the longest period of time. So its going to be goodbye to the flat and the Shard.

Today’s Blip was taken in the grounds of our development which used to be an old jam factory. The chimney is something I have been past so many times on the way to the Bin area. This will be a trip I will frequently make as we get ready for the move.

It a blue sky today and the afternoon sun streams into our flat. Big adventures ahead and a chance to take photos of some new subjects.

Continue to stay safe and have a good weekend.

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