
A  nice morning.. and warm
  A happy start as my photo was chosen for the banner for the 365 group! See extra

 A lovely walk with Fletch.. A H grounds and then ... we went to the local garden centre!  First time in 12 months Too early in one way  but it wa so nice to wander round browsing There was  more than I expected as they are having problems importing at the moment. Got the pot feet I went in for ( big spender at £2.99) and M bought a fern.

Back home and the house was like a sauna! I'd set the thermostat at 16 degrees but the thermometer  said 24 !  The Wi Fi thermostat batteries needed changing which I did and then we discovered that the boiler wouldn't switch off. I set the timer to off but the boiler kept on working. I phoned British Gas and managed to speak to someone who suggested the Highly Technical  Method of switching off the boiler and then switching it back on again but the boiler  continues to fire and he said he wasnt technical enough to give me anymore help.
At least the thermostat  is working and weve got the temperature on low.
 It could be worse of course. The boiler may not have worked at all and it could have been much colder weather. 
The earliest an engineer can come is 5 days from now. 

Managed to do a bit of pruning in the garden. Hedges seem to grow large over winter!

A lovely stroll before tea ( I'm from the north,  it's not dinner that's at 12)  As usual we went up alongside Cav Dock and up to the seawall. Another beautiful sky. The colours were wonderful,  soft pinks and blues and lemon and turquoise. Impossible to capture on my camera. Extra shows the view in the opposite direction from the main blip foto. The moon looked huge.. but not obvious in my phone camera photo.

Another nice day forecast tomorrow.  

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