Wake up and smell the flowers

It was a wonderful sunny day so I had a quick trip into the garden at lunchtime.  I noticed several bees who were enjoying the early bulbs, it was lovely to see.  

I have been watching a gardening programme while doing exercise on our machine and am definitely feeling inspired.  I really want to move a few plants around the garden and also change our pots.  We have lots of smallish ones but I am thinking I want to go for some big ones.  However, there is the question on if it is worth sending money if we plan to move.

We have been planning to move for quite a while and had the house up for sale three or so years ago… it did not sell and the house we wanted was sold to someone else so we took it off.  Why move?  We do not fit well into the development/community where we live.  There are many reasons for this, most of which make me sound like a moaning old bag and it is not something that will really change.
However, I like our house and my allotment and we have the house set up well for us and I really like it since we did work on it the year before last.  So right now I am do not want to move.  I want to wait a bit longer and see what is going on at work, wait and see if my mother moves this year, wait for Covid to finish/ things to be more normal and we really need to decide where we want to go and what we really want out of a house.  So right now I am not keen to move and I want us to try and enjoy what we have here and be a more relaxed about it/ things going on around us, we are going to give it a go.  So maybe time for a few house, garden and allotment projects… 

Elsewhere, today I was a ‘mindful chef’ for the first time.  My recipe box arrived this morning.  The meal we had was super quick to cook and not something I would ever have picked so that was good, it was a Mexican turkey thing and very nice.  We have a pork thing tomorrow which will take a bit longer to cook.   Downside I think is the packaging and the number of ice blocks I am currently collecting.  They say you can open them and put them down the sink but they seem very gloopy so I am not keen on that idea.  The box was good and the cost was okay because it had £10 off this week.  Long term… not sure but will try again next week … mainly because I have another £10 off.

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