The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Dusty Returns

Apparently the pair of doves who like to hang out on our sitting porch and perch on the utility wires on the edge of our lot, have decided to try one more time and have built another nest on the wicker lamp stand in the back corner of our car port. Hopefully this time the nest and eggs will survive whatever mischief (probably a feral cat) that ruined their effort last time.

Though lately I've been wandering far afield on my camera/exercise rolls (pedaling anywhere between 6 - 10 miles) and I came back this morning from Highland Park with over 100 pics to choose from (a surplus of riches you might say - I'll post a couple as extras), I never really needed to leave the driveway.

Thanks so much for all you comments, stars and hearts, and replies this week. I'm not sure what I'd do without you folks ... and the adventure through the viewfinder (with a little help from my friends) continues.

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