All the sunshine

What a gorgeous sunny day! Morning swim in the sunny, flat sea. After two months of trying different clothing each week I have at last got my kit sorted. I found a wetsuit for women in my size- it’s taken me two whole months, it shouldn’t be that hard. Anyway, really lovely swimbly chat and then getting changed in basically the warm. Swimming in the sea has made all the lockdown difference- something to plan, look forward to, chat about, have a different experience each time. We might not have done it in normal life and now we have, hopefully we will just continue.

Then went for a Rosie walk, came home and let the records show- sat in the garden with my book, first for 2021. Then I sat in the house and read my book. Then I cooked some of the spiciest fajitas. Then I won at Splendor for the second night running. And here is my lovely boy with all his crazy hair.

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