
By LifeLines


The day was bright and sunny. Such a relief to the body and spirit after the cold, grey and wet days the past weeks.

This morning I attended an online Tai Chi workshop, given by my Tai Chi teacher’s teacher. It’s the second workshop I’ve attended and I found it really beneficial to have such a concentrated period of time practicing and to be able to learn from such an experienced and inspiring teacher. It is such a calming way to start the weekend.

With the weather being so sunny, I was keen to get to the allotment this afternoon. And so I spent some time there, working at the front end of my second plot, finally clearing it of the rusting corrugated iron sheets which had previously been buried under a huge compost heap (so much compost had to be shifted it has taken me a year to dig them out).

My blip is from a field on the edge of the village which is filled with teasels. The goldfinches love them and can frequently be seen in flocks coming down to feed off the seed heads.

Hope Saturday has been good to you.

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