
By dunkyc

In the beginning...

The song goes “It’s not where you start it’s where you finish”.

Surely though, if you make a good start to something you’re at least in with a better chance of finishing it well?

That’s why I started my day with a brew in hand, Classic FM chirping away whilst I caught up with some truly lovely blips (you can tell Spring is waiting in the wings) and plotted a route for a walk this afternoon. 

I was clearly in the mood for doing some jobs so pottered about and ended up doing a little basic gardening in my pyjamas, enjoying the slightly bemused expressions from the neighbours I encountered. 

Russ was actually on time for once and so we set out on a walk south along the river to Hawes bridge and soon had to remove our jackets due to the warmth in the sun. Been the consummate blipper, I was of course armed with my camera, but didn’t use it once as we were too busy laughing, joking and catching up. I did pause briefly to capture these crocuses in Scroggs Wood though…

The afternoon drifted by in fits of an English rugby defeat at the hands of 16-man Welsh team, admittedly not aided by England’s worsening ill-discipline record, cups of tea and too much telly.

I was restless as the evening wore on and so went out for a moonlit stroll with The Boss playing in my ears.

It was maybe not quite the finish to the day that I may have anticipated at the start, but I’ll take it!

Stay healthy.   

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