The Good Kind of Tired

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

Caro thanked me for a nice day today. It's not like she doesn't do this, ever. In fact, she does it fairly often. It is always nice.

It WAS a good day. Tiger and Loulou texted to say they fancied a movie night at ours* so we tidied up and then enjoyed our afternoon, lazing around in the garden with cats.

It was hot out there today. The cicadas were LOUD. Jasper likes to be outside, but he very sensibly sticks with the shade. The little fellow keeled over in the heat and slept in the garden.

It made me very happy that he did that.

It was nice enough for us to have dinner outside with Loulou and Tiger. We ordered pizza sat outside chatting until the bugs got too annoying and we went back in to watch Ghostbusters.

The evening was distinguished by two things:

Tiger's Record Collection
Tiger has decided he wants to enjoy the organic sounds of vinyl and is going to buy himself a retro record player. He also wants to investigate classic vinyl albums. But before he can do this, he has to build an entertainment unit. This sounds like it has turned into a bit of a mission and has Loulou rolling her eyes. So I decided to buy Tiger some classic albums as motivation. You can see the four I bought in the extras.

Dave The Cat was on a full-on charm offensive all evening, luring Loulou out there to give him big cuddles. He danced about and "brrrreeeeeped" and rubbed around everyone's legs. He was so adorable, and refused to leave, curling up on our doormat. This broke Caro's heart so she decided to put a box out there for him with a blanket in it. Again, see the extras. 

As always we ended up spending the evening being thoroughly FILTHY and - somehow - ended up talking about cosmetic surgery to replace one of Tiger's nads with a sleigh bell. 

"If you're very good," I said, "maybe Tiger and His Magic Bollock will visit on Christmas Eve."

We are very sophisticated. 

We are also very middle-aged. And all four of us were shocked - SHOCKED - when we discovered it was ten minutes past ELEVEN OF THE CLOCK. 

Tiger and Loulou left us with hugs and kisses, and then we all went to our beds, the good kind of tired.


* We have Big Telly, don't forget.

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