Testing.. testing...
I had fun testing out the new camera today. It seems much faster and sharper than my old Powershot. Juno and I spent a while in a corner of the back garden in the sun shooting birds. I managed to capture some goldfinches (see extra).
In the cemetery, I spied the fox that I saw limping a while ago. I'm pleased to say that he's now walking on the sore leg. The parakeets are definitely pairing up – we even saw some action on that part so baby parakeets will be due soon!
It was lovely, sunny weather so we avoided the parks – the pavements were busy enough. We treated ourselves to take-out Italian sandwiches at the local caff and brought them home to eat. Nom.
One game of chess and I managed to beat Fred (who's still playing without his queen, but a win is still a win). I also managed to beat Mum and Rory on the Virtual Pub Quiz. Phew.
The Moon was glorious again tonight so I thought I'd take the camera through it's paces and found a vantage point at a top floor window. I was really happy to snap a full Moon.
However, it's the COVID testing site at Streatham Common that takes the blip. I've wanted to snap it for a long time as it reminds me of a scene from ET where the white quarantine tent glows in the darkness. Whenever I see the testing site in the evening, it reminds me of the otherworldly-ness of it and then it becomes even more strange as it's our reality at the moment.
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