
By soozsnapz

Morning sunlight

An even lovelier day here today. A walk with a friend who lives in the countryside just south of Bristol. We progressed very slowly, as we looked at every tree. Lots of buds, blossom, and pussy willows (in extra). Also lots of birds singing - we saw buzzards, masses of rooks starting to build their nests - and sparrows, robins, chaffinches, tits and wrens in the hedgerows. Also saw a huge badger sett - maybe about 40 holes, and masses of fresh snuffle pits along the pathway where they’d been digging for earthworms with their strong noses. And some new mole hills. I’d love to see a mole or a badger - but neither is likely. Except in a book! But if we go even earlier next time we may see rabbits :)

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