Squirrel Blip Friday ....

... squirrel and friends.

I was so happy the other day when I first heard than saw the return of the Common Grackles!  I love them so much!  Maybe Spring is just around the corner after all!  Now if I'd only see a chipmunk I would be ecstatic! 

I did see more birds than squirrels today so I've put together a collage of my best shots.  And as it's Squirrel Blip Friday I've included a squirrel shot.  One of only a handful of shots today as there weren't many around.

My collage includes (starting in upper left) ... A common grackle, Eastern gray squirrel, Carolina wren, and a dark-eyed junco.  

Backblipped: February 28, 2021 .... as was this and this.

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