
I seem to specialise in suicidal Amaryllis.

Sometime between my drawing the curtains, being careful not to let them drag across one of the huge blooms, and the end of our Sunday service, when I went through to put away the Flumlet's animal parade, the new Amaryllis collapsed onto the floor. It broke the first stem off and one of its blooms, (the other broke during the rescue process) plus one bloom of the newly-opened stems. This leaves two complete blooms and one bud - do not worry, R&P, there is still life there...

Having collected up the debris I placed the pot onto the font, with permanent support system (string attached to two old flat irons) and arranged the three broken blooms in different-sized vases, see extra photo.

I blame myself as only this morning I had wondered whether I should place a stone weight onto the pot but delayed until I could wander into the garden to select the most appropriate.  On the other hand, I question what possessed Marks and Spencer to provide such a small pot when they were surely aware of the potential size. 

All is not lost, however, as I have two buds growing on my red Amaryllis - yes, that one that attempted self-destruction all those years ago, still alive and well.

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