Drop it like it’s hot

I got back on my bike successfully today, for the first time since the back woes. As the weather was so sunny, I spent a few hours meandering around some of the villages south of Cambridge. I was looking for snowdrops and sometimes was diving off my bike on grass verges to try and photograph them.

I think it’s understandable to suffer from SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, to varying degrees, especially with Covid restrictions in place over winter. I think I have had SADEVU, Seasonal Affective Disorder Exacerbated by Visa Uncertainty. Today made a great difference to the mood, being able to mill around in good weather. I am fairly certain I’ll have to live my twilight years in the tropics or Southern Europe. South coast of England at a push.

Cycling is not kind on the hair, especially when it’s already looking like a spring onion. I’m going to have to try some self-cutting, as waiting until 12th April for some professional input is not an option.

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