
I am grateful for the garden and the sunshine.
I’m sitting outside under a blanket.
I really can’t do much else at the moment.
We went for a short walk yesterday but it pretty much knocked me out for the rest of the day.
I’m learning that I’ve got to take this slower than I’d like!
I am grateful for Mr M working at home full time and his loving care of me.
I am grateful to God for upholding me every day and lessening the effects of the chemo so far.
I’m grateful for all my friends and family who are keeping in touch, praying for me, sending me flowers and gifts and standing with me.

I guess I really should have blipped daffodils since it’s St David’s Day, but from where I’m sitting I can only see crocuses.
They are very pretty.

I can also hear seagulls and dream about the beach.......

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