Life on the go

By BarryBadcock

Print Mounting

Print Mounting.
A year ago almost to the day I ordered a new print mountcutter. It was coming up to our camera clubs annual exhibition that was to be held in the Pitt Building in Trumpington Street.  I had 10 images for myself and 10 for Sue plus I had agreed to mount photos for some other members. 

At a previous Photo Show I had been impressed with the Longridge Mountcutter. I had a Logan Mountcutter that had served me well for over 10 years. The Longridge Mountcutter is British and really made well. The engineering is beautiful and I fancied the change.  

The Mountcutter arrived on the 18th March and a few days later we went into Lockdown #01 and our Club Exhibition was cancelled. I had mounted a few of Sue's Photos but not much more. Consequently the New mount cutter was put in mothballs. 

I had some plans to do some printing but it never happened. 

A couple of weeks ago a friend at the Camera Club got in touch with me to do some mounting for him. This was the perfect excuse to get the Longridge out.  

The photo shows the mountcutter and as the table had no Jigsaw on it I decided to work on the dining table rather than in the garage workshop (not as cold) and  I used the trusty spreadsheet program put together by Chris Fell to calculate the apertures.

I have not yet finished the job but it has been a relaxing day. I managed to listen to two Paul McCartney Albums and a few chapters from a Harry Potter Audio Book whilst I was mounting some of the prints.
Day 328 of Project 365

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