Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck


Riding down Banns Road at the speed of light, my light sabre was switched on, I smelt newly cut grass. In front of me was a hunched figure on a 1200cc ride-on lawn mower, reaching speeds of 7 mph and doing donuts. 

I pulled him over, read him his rights and took his picture. Was he worried? Nah! William kindly allowed me to take up two minutes in his busy day. We chatted about digital imagery over the old systems he was familiar with. He hasn't opted for a mobility scooter as he reckons he can get around well enough at present, you can see that determination in his left eye. Another new friend.

If you cannot laugh at yourself then who can you laugh at?
Many years past a Marine acquaintance gave a bunch of us a belly ripping laugh when he took the opportunity, one dark and quiet night in the bush, to brush his teeth. Personal hygiene was one of our overriding goals when living in the wild. Unfortunately for him he mixed up his kit and spread Anusol Haemorrhoid cream on his brush. Oh how we giggled and pharted. 

Today I'm a bit confused and gave myself and the Garden Fairy a chuckle by nearly putting Ibuleve pain relief gel on my brush. Now that would have shut me up. :-))))))

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