Purple Stripes

I barely slept as my back and hip really ached.  All thoughts of a run on a lovely spring morning were put to one side.  Instead I baked all morning – standing! Standing was the best position to be in, so baking seemed like a reasonable activity.  One lemon drizzle cake, a batch of butterscotch cookies and a loads of pancakes were produced. Late morning I thought I would see if I could walk and attempted a wee walk along the road.  Walking seemed to help, so I went a bit further and did the wee loop I do at lunchtimes on work days.  I walked slowly and with good posture and it seemed fine.  One wrong move and I was in agony though.  It was then home for lunch.  Later TT took a break from his gardening and we walked into town for a couple of things.  I left him at the supermarket and I walked home alone. 
I made tea – more standing required.  Eventually I got myself positioned on the sofa to watch Bloodlands.  The problem was getting up off the sofa at the end of it.  Hopefully I will have a better night.
Not much in the way of blips today as I have been concentrating on other things.  However a crocus in the garden in the sunshine.

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