Light in B&W photography. As You know I love Mono shots and especially MM . Thank you isbi for the links for this challenge.
A great day and will be going out for a walk as soon as Joe is back home. My job was to CX service for Xfinity (cable) and take back the boxes that we rented for the last 28 years. I am guessing at 20 some dollars a month that they pocketed a lot of our money through the years. We will be checking out other options and continue with Netflix and Prime Video. I coincidently ran in to Joe at Wally World and picked out some new SD cards, gave them to him and my new jeans to purchase and I went on home. So nice to have your own Butler or Personal Buyer!
Ya'll have a great day and will catch up with you guys later!! I so appreciate any hearts or stars of late!!!
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