Yippee! I’m soooo excited! My rhubarb is growing. Here’s hoping it is left to grow.
Today marks the last week of home learning. I have to say that for myself the week about routine we’ve had has worked well and I’ve quite enjoyed it but I know there are a lot of people out there (not all of them adults) who are really looking forward to having all children back in school full time.
I am looking forward to seeing them all again and interacting spontaneously with them again.
One more week.
Spent a very long time on the phone to a ‘Sky’ guy sorting out mom’s broadband. He was so lovely and we had such a lovely time on the phone I was actually sorry I couldn’t ask for his number! Hahaha! Maybe that’s the effect of lockdown and the lack of conversations! ;). But I would happily spend another hour chatting to him!!! Hehehe!
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