You Fill my Life With Laughter...

Our Son has different ways of celebrating life. 

This morning, it was to dance around the garden in his underpants, while the frost was still on the ground and the temperature was about -2. 

He was out there for a little longer than anticipated, as Jess got to the doors before he could get back in and locked them. 

I made him pose for me at the door to Cosmo - I give you his back view, because I think the laydees may faint at the front  HUZZAHHHH

Our Daughter also celebrates in a joyous fashion too.  This week (in addition to her brilliant "A Day in the Life of a Trainee Student" TicToks....) she posted a cake to her dad and me. 

The cake had been placed inside a Heros Box, and wrapped in brown paper and posted "this way Up".   The extra photo is how it looked before being placed in recepticle.   A photo of how it arrived would not do the joy it gave us justice. 

She also sent us a hand made card, inside which she announced "I did not make this card while drunk".   It bore all the hall marks of a Ransom note.  Words spelt out randomly on the front, as if a typewriter had gone wrong.  

But we loved it. 

The reason for all the celebrating.... Apparently we were having a BIG anniversary......    And as we always say, we don't be doing with the big celebratory days.... we just love each other everyday. 

Be good to each other...

I'm ALWAYS good to him.   He is the luckiest Man alive. 

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