Lucky number

8 is a very lucky number in Chinese tradition, because 'ba' rhymes with and sounds like 'fa' which means luck/good fortune/prosperity (and in Cantonese it's 'baat' which again sounds like prosperity). To have a number 8 birthday is thus something very auspicious :-)

It's my 8th Blip Day according to the Blipfoto Blips counter , 8 years of Blipping every day :-) I've said this the past 7 years too, I never thought I would still be here, but I am ! Blip has been keeping me keeping on and as sane as possible ;-)

I'm not a good Blipper, very bad with commenting and reacting, but please know that I really appreciate everybody's views, comments, stars and the occasional hearts.

Thanks to Joe Tree for this site, thanks to the Fab 4 plus 2 for keeping the site running and thanks to all Blippers for making this such a great place to share and care.

The tiny silver number 8 on the tea cup is something we found in the attic when clearing the inlaws' house, these numbers were used on cups and glasses when having people visit, so that you knew which cup or glass was used by whom :-)

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