
By JeanSnaps

No thanks ! I'm not diving in there.

I meant to go somewhere different today to cheer myself up but I woke to a chilly overcast morning feeling disinclined to go anywhere and feeling I needed to spruce up the house.  So that was what I did. Clothes washed, bathroom which I had neglected on Sunday cleaned, floors hoovered, grocery order amended, bank account checked. Then I assembled a casserole in the slow cooker and did a tiny token bit in the garden.  Barely quarter of an hour but I didn't want to aggravate my knee or hip.  Booked a slot at the recycling on Thursday afternoon and finally organised a house number - one with a difference. It's like a mini window box.  White with black numbers attached  and will screw onto the fence beside my front door.
Did some bird photography later in the afternoon.  A fair number of birds were using the new feeder. Goldfinches and a coal tit and a greenfinch as well as blackbirds and Beaky and the possible girl friend.  Not together though.  That I would like to see.  The fat filled coconut is going down fast. It will be interesting to see if the blue tits go inside when the level of fat drops even further. They can just about still reach it.  Although I like the look of this one I think the next ones I buy will be halves.
Went to the Pillars for milk and sesame bread sticks late on and combined it with a walk.   Came back just in time as Julie appeared.  She's hoping she will be able to cut hair again soon so we had a good chat on the doorstep.  She's getting her first vaccination  next week. It will be so nice to have her back again.

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