With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Just so I remember

Cod and hake cooked in chicken stock ( from yesterday’s roast ). Poach large pieces of fish, but remove and reserve before skin falls off. Add fideos and a tiny bit of red chilli and cook until most of stock is absorbed. Return skinned chunks of fish, add fresh spinach, cover but with heat off for a few minutes while you warm the plates and pan fry masses of garlic (until almost burnt!) and a couple of whole squid. Chop the squid into strips, laden with the crispy garlic. Mix the fideo / fish / spinach gently and spoon big dollops onto hot plates. Put strips of squid on top with a spoonfull of sour cream, masses of lemon juice, a sprinkling of spring onion and a wee bit of red chilli.
Best thing I’ve invented in ages.

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