Secret garden?

Probably not, but every time I walk past it, that's the thought that conjured up.

I spoke to F for an hour this morning via Skype - I switched on my computer and up popped Skype with a 'Hello?' message from F. I love this technology! He was waiting for his flight to be called at Auckland for Hong Kong. He's now landed and is exploring the city.

I pottered about for most of the day, taking the train to Balham so I could go food shopping. Where I live there are four small 'local' supermarkets - Sainsburys, Tesco, Somerfield and Iceland, all within spitting distance of each other. Surely one of them will win out in the end? Unfortunately, between them all, I couldn't find the ingredients for a simnel cake, so off to Balham, which has two massive supermarkets, Waitrose and Sainsburys, and is only two stops away on the train. Waitrose is a bit of a treat so I headed there. Yay!

I made the cake and watched 'Hotel Rwanda' while it cooked. The film is one I'd been meaning to watch for years and it's amazing, and terrifying.

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